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Friday, March 28, 2014

More Than Play

Happy Friday!! One aspect of the sessions that I always mention and continuously explain and walk parents through is that early intervention promotes learning in the child's natural environment during their daily routines. Although each activity may appear as play to the child (this is always my goal), I encourage parents to create opportunities for speech and language by using some of the following:

1. Providing choices: During mealtime & play time  you can ask "want cereal or fruit?" or "want puzzles or books?"
2. Music: Children love singing and making silly sounds, allow and encourage the child to imitate your string of babbles, silly sounds, gestures, or words. Music is ALWAYS an option.
3. Outside time: This often a favorite for most children and therefore can be used as a strategy to elicit speech and language. Bring bubbles, use playground equipment (specifically the swings) so that it is almost mandatory they ask you for more turns, more bubbles, etc.

Most importantly, it is almost always successful to build on what you know the child knows and vocabulary, sounds, routines, concepts, games, etc. you are certain they understand and know. This will allow the child to continue to feel confident, but also provide families with a baseline to start with!

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