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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Color Me Spring!!!

Craft Wednesday: I hope these mini projects help to cure some winter blues. I got these ideas from some of the daycares I provide speech and language services for. As usual, speech and language can always be heavily incorporated. Enjoy!

Kites for Spring:

Key words: fly, kite, stickers, high, up, sky

Materials Needed: 

Construction Paper
Hole Puncher


1. Cut construction into a diamond shape
2. Draw lines that separate the diamond into four
3. Place stickers & color on the kite
4. Place the yarn through the hole


Spring Watercolor:

Key words: labeling colors, finger, tap tap tap, counting how many finger marks

Materials Needed: 

Printer/Plain White Paper


1. Place different color paint on paper plates
2. Have the child dip their fingers in the paint and tap the paper with their finger/s
3. You can also model shapes, letters, etc. and have them imitate you on their own paper as well.

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