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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Buzz Words

Wednesday Word:

Hi friends!! I often give homework for families each week when working on building expressive vocabulary and overall language. One common task is suggesting the family choose at least three "buzz" words/signs/sounds that would be functional throughout the child's daily routine. The can be silly sounds that are familiar to the child and family and often uses, words to comment, label, and/or request, or words/sounds that are related to a particular activity or routine. In addition, for those kiddos who are working on expanding utterances from single words to multi-words, I suggest using and modeling "please", "more", and "want" in addition to the "buzz word". Be sure to model the sign, word, and/or sound no more than three times, and provide 5-10 seconds to allow your child to imitate you. As all of us celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, I generated a list of words/signs and sounds that can incorporated during tomorrow's festivities! Good luck, be consistent, & have fun :)

1. thank you
2. eat
3. drink
4. sit
5. up
6. down
7. hungry
8. yay
9. mmmm (yum)
10. all done


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