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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Little Butterflies

Thoughts for Thursday:

I often compare my children, their families, and the wonderful experience of early intervention to the process of a butterfly. When the family first begins the transition into the early intervention program, most of the time they are concerned and looking for every strategy, technique, and professional ideas that will help their child develop in one of five areas (communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive, social emotional).
When my children and their families exit the early intervention process, whether it's to receive services in the public school system, being discharged due to significant progress, and/or they are no longer eligible due to both age and progress, they are ready to fly with all of the foundational skills of development. This one of many reasons I love and encourage early intervention to everyone that will listen. If we can plant a seed and nurture that seed day by day, of course always coaching the families and encouraging carryover, the child is much better off than they were in the cocoon regardless of the type of delay, syndrome, disorder, etc.


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