Hey there SMLers!! It's been a very busy and productive start to Spring. I am still recovering from my drive from DC to our NJ headquarters for our quarterly early intervention meeting, which was extremely productive and empowering. Needless to say, I am feeling extremely #speechie this month and as usual very excited to bring awareness to #BHSM. I got super exciting news that I may be getting a #clinicalfellow (CF) to supervise by the end of the summer. While this is very exciting, I am also a little anxious, as my only supervision and mentor experience in my field has been through my new/current clinical director position and more recently, an #ASHA #STEPmentor. So, to prepare for my upcoming opportunity on helping a future #SLP to develop a sound foundation in their lucrative and dynamic chosen career of a speech-language pathologist, I'm reading several books, chatting with colleagues who've had this experience, and reading articles, to include one from the most recent #ASHALeader. My favorite tips and most helpful takeaways are these:
1. www.asha.org/Certification/CFSupervisors
2. Determining expectations at the beginning of the #CFY during the first month or orientation period
3. Help to channel knowledge and skills from graduate school to the workplace
4. Establish outcomes and goals for the CF
Please let me know any suggestions you may have from experience as an SLP/CF supervisor. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on my newest and very exciting adventure :).