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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oldies but Goodies ;)

Happy Thursday & Happy New Year; this post has been a long time coming! Today is super special because I’m celebrating my one year anniversary as an early intervention clinical director, so I definitely wanted to share my excitement with my followers. A few weeks ago, I decided to send an email to ALL of the families that I have provided services for since starting my EI career to check on them, their child’s development and the family; what an idea!! J I couldn’t believe my eyes after reviewing the BCC line and seeing over 150 email addresses!!!! Early intervention has been so good to me over the years and those families have welcomed me into their homes with open arms to work with them and their children, and it has been one of my greatest accomplishments and blessings all wrapped into one. Well…fast forward to today, and I continue to receive such happy responses and all full of amazing news of continued progress, new family members, pictures, etc.  Feel free to let me know your ideas for keeping up with families throughout the years J